Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Aqualisa Quartz Case Essay

Aqualisa Quartz In the targeting market, we tend to target plumbers and end users (Middle to high income) because most of the end users are suggested by the plumbers. The others might buy from showrooms. Therefore, we have to target them as well Positioning Statement To middle-high income customers, Aqualisa Quartz is a high premium shower brand which come under mixer shower category that offers quality and latest innovation because Aqualisa Quartz has benefits in water pressure, ease of installation, use and design. HOW 12775 comes ? This number is come from the fact that case study states that unit sold of Quartz is between 30-40 units per day. So we take the mean which is 35 units and times 365 days. Therefore, the unit sold per year is 12775. Problems: The problem for Aqualizer is that Plumbers are lack of knowledge and innovation of Aqualisa Quartz. Moreover, most customer decisions rely on plumbers. Second issue is the bad experience of electronic shower that customers and plumbers had. The last main issue is that brand perception towards Aqualisa Quartz from Customer is very low because customers do not perceive the value of Aqualisa Quartz and the group of only high income customers (Current target) is quite too small. Solutions: 4Ps * Product * Price * Place However, the product, price and place will remain the same, because Aqualisa quartz is a new product and latest innovative shower so the functions and features are the most improvement at the time (Temperature control, ease of installation, design, water pressure and usage). Another reason that we maintain the price to where it is, Aqualisa Quartz is a premium brand so the price should be high to remain brand image. Moreover, the company invested a lot for R&D and wanted to gain profit margin to break-even. And for the places, normally plumbers will buy from trade shop, and end users will buy at showrooms. Therefore, the existing channel is already effective and efficient. From the case (Exhibit 6), trade shops and showrooms can generate 470,000 units per year. This shows that the two places are powerful to sell the products of Aqualisa. Promotion Our first strategy is to go after independent plumbers by providing product orientation events by calling plumber to attend the training and give 150 pounds as the compensation. This will satisfy and make the plumber attend because they do not lose the income when they attend our training. The orientation will be held every 3 months changing by geography. We will gain Plumber information from Database from APHC – Association of Plumbing & Heating. The capacity for one meeting will be 100 seats per group. The  reasons we make 100 seats is because we believe that the larger the sample the higher chance of product achieving success. Another stategy is to create trustworthy of Aqualisa Quartz from existing users to new customers. Opinion leaders will convince the new customers and also build the confidence in the existing users that the electronic shower (Aqualisa Quartz) will last long and not have any problems like the early electronic showers by guarantee the satisfaction by referring the comment from opinion leaders (from showrooms). The third strategy is the use of award will help communicate value of Aqualisa Quartz and build the customer relationship with the brand. By doing this, the company could expand the new target group from only high to high-middle income. This would segmented by the income per year. If we could make the middle income group believes that it is worth for them to spend on our product, sales per unit would dramatically increase since this group is even larger than the high income and higher value perceived as well. Aqualisa Quartz already has the advertisement about the products so all they should do is to specify the beneficial points of the product, and also present the prize of Aqualisa Quartz to inform the target who has the middle income as well as those who has high income. Goal defense Quartz is a representative of the premium product under the brand Aqualisa, and the units sold are lower than the expectation of the Rawlinson (30-40 instead of 100-200 units per day). If we can sell more, it will generate overall sales a lot and potentially increase the market share. Problem defense According to the case, plumbers would like to go for the familiar products which they have much experience. If there is any problem after installation, plumbers are responsible for the fixing costs. Therefore, they avoid trying new product they are not familiar with. Moreover, the percentage of plumbers influencing customers’ decision is more than 50% which is resulted in they do not recommend Quartz to the customers. Another reason is that in year 1980, there were some manufacturers who introduced electronic showers, and the products were not successful because of the poor design and the failure of the usage. After that, it created  skepticism toward anything that is electronic. That makes both customers and plumbers refuse Quartz. The third reason is that Aqualisa Quartz answers all the features that the perfect showers should have in terms of water pressure, stable temperature, design, ease of installation and innovation. Even though the price is quite high the middle income can afford Aqualisa Quartz as well seen from the income information (15,000-30,000 pounds per year). For the problem of value perception, the evidence was in the year 2001. Quartz was awarded in the Bathroom Expo as a top prize since the very beginning of the Quartz but people did not know this information. Therefore, the sales of Aqualisa Quartz are not up to the expected units. Solution defense: The Conducting of orientation meeting will cultivate the perception inside the plumbers’ mind. The content of the meeting will be about the ease of the installation, and to show the convenience of the electronic functions of Quartz. In fact, Quartz’s installation duration is  ¼ of the other competitive products. It is the benefit that the plumbers can do more than one job in a day. It can certainly ensure the increase in sale. To demonstrate, we will definitely gain 12% of plumbers out from 10,000. These 12% of plumbers will generate sales 4 times higher than current sales. How many amount of sale would generate by plumbers? 12% *12775= 1533 ( 12% comes from 1200 that attend in meeting for the whole three years) 1533*4=6132 ( 4 comes from 4 times faster installation which means faster installation will lead to higher sales) As a result, we can get the sale increase about 74% of the goal which increase the chance of success. From the case, customers and plumbers do not trust the shower with electronic system (Aqualisa Quartz included). They will not use this type of products because they have bad experience with the electronic shower before. If Aqualisa can show them that the problems were solved and the Aqualisa Quartz actually works. Some of the plumbers and customers are willing to try it. Because the sales from show room are pretty strong (about 20% of the total sales) we can refer the comments from the real users and show them to the potential target groups. That would make them feel more confident to try our product. In conclusion, Aqualisa Quartz was  awarded in the expo but customers and plumbers do not notice. The problem is about the value perceived and trust. Therefore, this award can guarantee the quality and help with the value that is the awarded brand. We can do it by attaching the detail of award into the communication to make customers notice the â€Å"cleverness† and â€Å"elegant design† of Quartz.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Eyewitness testimony

The Expert Witness â€Å"How reliable Is eyewitness testimony On the 28th of September 1 999, a building society in West Bromidic was robbed by a man brandishing a gun. He had approached the cashier desk and pushed aside a customer and then produced a gun. He ordered the three customers in the bank to lie on the floor. He then pointed the gun in the face of the cashier and told her to fill the bag with money. In doing so, she managed to raise the silent alarm alerting the police. After her compliance, the robber instructed her to also lie on the floor behind the desk.He warned the customers not to move before shooting his gun at the ceiling and running out. The four witnesses were then Interviewed as a group by police at the scene of the crime. The first Interview revealed many Inconsistencies In the descriptions of the perpetrator and also the chain of events. All witnesses had described a white male In his ass with a local accent. The group was split 2:2 on the robbers hair color, two thought blond and the others thought it was brown. The witnesses were then taken to the police station and interviewed separately.All four had now given statements eying the robber had blond hair. A lot less inconsistencies were found when the witnesses were interviewed for the second time. A third interview was conducted a few weeks later to see if any more details had been remembered of the crime. A photo was also shown to the witnesses to see if they could confirm that he was the man they remembered from the robbery. Again the group were split, two thought It could be him and the other two were unsure. All four witnesses a few months after, had taken part In a line up In which they all picked out the same man as the robber In the bank.The man they Identified turned out to by the same man from the photo they were shown previously prior to the line-up. The man they identified was James Taylor. James Taylor is a 33 year old with one previous conviction for robbing a sweet shop when he was 18. He spent 18 months in prison for this crime and hasn't been in any trouble since. He became a suspect when an anonymous tip came in from a man with a local accent giving them Sesame's name. Taylor had said he had been in Yellowhammers at the time but could not supply any witnesses to confirm his alibi.The case went to trial before a Jury which was drawn from the local area. There was no forensic evidence lining Taylor to the crime scene but the prosecution argued he was a local man with previous convictions, that couldn't produce an alibi for his confirmed the man they picked out in the line-up, with one saying she was ‘absolutely certain' that Taylor was the man who held up the building society at gun point. After a 45 minute deliberation, the Jury returned a guilty verdict and sentenced Taylor to five years in prison.To start identifying the problems with this case and detect why the conviction was unsafe one must start with the first officers attending(FAA). The Job of a FAA is to immediately attend to injured persons at the crime scene. They then should separate eyewitnesses from one another to avoid conversations between them that might distort their memories and to avoid the transfer of trace evidence, Jackson. Jackson(2008). However, the 4 witnesses were first interviewed as a group. During this interview ,there were inconsistency with the decision of the robbers hair color.After the witnesses has listened to each other's stories, two had decided to change their minds and agree his hair color was after all blond. This is a clear robber with the testimony used in the trial, as all the witnesses were interviewed as a group. Due to social desirability and conformity they changed their remembrance of characteristics. An example of social conformity can be explained by Solomon Sash's visual Judgment experiment. Cash got 7 people to take part in each experiment but every time 6 of the participants were confederates.The confederates were instructed to all follow a strict set of instructions. In the experiment two cards were shown to the group of seven. One card had a vertical line and the other card had 3 lines of varying lengths. The experimenter then asked all seven to choose which line of the three matched the length of the line on the other card. The confederates were sometimes asked to all agree on certain cards that would appear to be blatantly obviously wrong. The experimenter was testing to see if the participant would change their mind in order to conform with the majority. 4% of the innocent participants went along with the group and conformed giving the incorrect answer, School(2013). In the third interview police took a photo of a suspect, James Taylor, to the witnesses and asked them if they could confirm that he was the man they remembered from he robbery. After this the witnesses attended a line up in which Taylor was present, from this they were able to confirm that Taylor was the robber. The questio ning from the police asking to confirm that Taylor was the robber, could be considered as a leading question.Meaning that due to their choice of wording, they were able to lead the witnesses to a desired answer. They were made to think that Taylor had committed the crime, even though they may not of originally thought it was him. Loft's and Palmer in 1974, conducted an experiment to prove that leading questions n an interview can have a clear effect on witnesses answers. They asked forty five participants to watch a clip of two cars in an accident. They were spilt into 5 groups and then they were asked the question â€Å"How fast were the cars going when they (hit/ smashed/collided/bumped/contacted) each other? A week after the participants had seen the clips, they were also asked if they saw any broken glass, even though there was no broken glass. Loft's and Palmer had found that the verb used, changed the the ‘smashed' conditions reported the highest speeds, followed by â⠂¬Ëœbumped', ‘hit' and collided' in descending order. A week after when the participants were asked if there was any broken glass at the scene, people in the smashed group predominantly said yes. This proved that a leading question encouraged the participants to remember the cars traveling at a faster speed.The question has also appeared to modify their memory as they also remember seeing non-existent glass, McLeod(2010). The leading question asked by the police could be an explanation for the sudden conformation of James Taylor being the robber, even though straight after the event, two thought he ad brown hair and two thought he had blond, now they are able to recognizes some facial characteristics one even saying she was â€Å"absolutely certain† it was James Research by Loft's and Burns in 1982 also suggests that weapon focus can have a detrimental effect on memory of certain characteristics.They believe that a witness will focus more closely on the weapon used duri ng a crime and not the person holding it. They believe this is because a person will always focus on the thing that poses a threat or injury when it's not in its usual context. For example, you wouldn't be afraid of someone brandishing a gun at a shooting range. They conducted an experiment by allocating participants to one of two conditions. One watched a violent short film of a boy being shot in the head and the other watched a non-violent short film of a crime.The results were dramatic, only 4. 3% of the subjects who watched the violent crime correctly recalled a number on a boys Jersey, this compared to 27. 9% of participants who answered correctly that had watched the non-violent version, This could be another contributing factor as to why the eyewitnesses testimony's may be unreliable and as to why they might not be able to reduce an accurate description of the robber, as he did brandish a gun, put it in the face of one of the witnesses and also fired it before he left.The wit nesses were also part of the crime not watching it on a video clip like the participants in Loft's and Burns experiment. Witnessing a real life crime is more stressful than taking part in an experiment. To hypothesis that the description the witnesses gave to the Jury, might not be as accurate as they recall, might bare some weight, due to weapon focus and other contributing variables present at the time of the incident. Another factor which could disprove the testimony given by the witnesses is one called the schema and stereotype theory.This theory suggests that we are only able to take in a certain amount of information at the scene of a crime or incident. Ata later date when we are asked to provide greater detail, we rely on past experience (schemas) and prejudices (stereotypes) to fill in the gaps. We use expectations to reconstruct our memory. One experiment conducted by Bartlett in 1932 called War of the ghosts' portrayed a great example of the way people use stereotypes and schemas. Bartlett got participants to read a native North American folk tale, then repeat the story to another person in turn who repeated it and so on.By the time the last person had repeated the story back they had shortened it by three quarters and westernizes the details for example, seal clubbing was changed to fishing. One as a stored set of knowledge about a concept which guides our behavior. These are used to prompt our memory, and sometimes to fill in gaps if we are unsure, Bartlett(1932). Bartlett suggested that we make the following adjustments in certain cough situations: He believed people tend to rationalist situations and add material to Justify parts of their story.He believes that parts of a story, particularly those difficult to understand were often left out or manipulated. When people can't make sense of a situation, they tend to rearrange the order to one which fits the stereotype of their expectations in certain events. He also believes that people add their ow n emotion to a story, making the chain of events differ from someone else due to their personal emotional response. The research conducted by Bartlett is another factor hat could be problematic in the conviction of Taylor.The four witnesses could of used their schemas and stereotypes along with leading questioning from the police to come to the assumption that James Taylor was the robber. The above explanations are reasons why the conviction for James Taylor may not of been safe and also why the eye witness testimony may have been distorted. To show the weight an eyewitness testimony bares on a case, can be demonstrated by Elizabeth Loft's in 1974. Loft's gave participants three versions of a robbery and murder case, she then asked them to decide whether the defendant was guilty.Circumstantial evidence which was presented to the mock Jurors included the fact that the robber ran into the defendant's apartment block, money was found in the defendant's room and tests revealed there was a slight chance the defendant had fired a gun on the day of the robbery/murder. Results revealed that with Just this information provided, only 18% of participants thought that the defendant was guilty. When also presented with an eyewitness testimony, the guilty verdict dramatically changed to 72%. This demonstrates the powerful effect of an eyewitness testimony.More strikingly, when the participants were informed that the eyewitness was short- sighted, he was not wearing his glasses at the time of the offence, and he could not have seen the robber's face from where he was standing, 68% still gave a guilty verdict, Stewart(2013). This demonstrates the shocking strengths that an eyewitness testimony bares on each case. Upon evaluation of this case, it would seem that the conviction to ‘send a message to other potential criminals', may have been in haste. The problem with this case not only lies with unreliable eyewitness testimony's but the conduct shown by the police wrought .From group interviews, leading questions and photographs to prompting from the prosecution lawyers prior to the trial. The conviction of James Taylor in this case, seems to be more about making an example of someone in order to set a precedent for others thinking of committing a similar crime, rather than on a case which is based purely on facts and forensic evidence, in which this case had none. Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press A,R. Jacksonville(2008)Forensic science. Second Edition. Pearson education emitted, Essex England. Eyewitness Testimony In the legal profession, eyewitness testimony (EWT) is generally defined as the account of an event provided by an individual or individuals who have witnessed it.Such an account could contain the identity or identities of the people who were involved in the event, a narration of how the incident, itself, occurred, and a detailed description of the scene before, during, and after the event took place. In criminal cases in the United States, the general tendency is for juries to grant EWT a rather high level of reliability, especially in the process of identifying the perpetrator/s of a criminal act (McLeod).Unfortunately for jurists, research has been consistent in showing that EWT is not as reliable as generally perceived. As a matter of fact, in Problems and Materials on Trial Advocacy written by A. Leo Levin and Harold Cramer, the authors stated thatEyewitness testimony is, at best, evidence of what the witness believes to have occurred. It may or may not tell what actually happen ed. The familiar problems of perception, of gauging time, speed, height, weight, of accurate identification of persons accused of crime all contribute to making honest testimony something less than completely credible (Cline).This view is shared by many legal practitioners. The prevailing view not only among defense lawyers but also among prosecutors is that in spite of the sincerity of eyewitnesses, EWT could not always be credible. They are convinced that when somebody professes to have witnessed an incident or a crime, for that matter, such a statement should not be taken by faith because it is very possible that what he or she remembers seeing may not have actually happened.This argument is generally based on the fact that not all eyewitnesses possess the same degree of competence. A competent eyewitness should have the following qualities: sufficient â€Å"powers of perception†; ability to remember and describe what he or she remembers seeing; and the willingness to tell only the truth (Cline).In theory, an eyewitness testimony could be discredited in a court of law if it could be established that an eyewitness is not competent by showing that his or her memory and perception are impaired, he or she has certain biases or prejudices against the accused, or that he or she is a reputed liar. Unfortunately, records show that even eyewitness accounts from highly competent witnesses have nonetheless caused the conviction of many innocent people. These are cases which involve competent eyewitnesses giving eyewitness accounts which are not credible but appear convincing to jurors (Cline).Since eyewitness account is highly dependent upon the memory of an individual, his or her recollection of events is greatly affected by â€Å"age, health, personal bias and expectations, viewing conditions, perception problems, later discussions with other witnesses, [and] stress† (Cline).In other words, EWT should be appraised on a case-to-case basis, taking into c onsideration the personal attributes of the eyewitness and the conditions prevailing at the time of the event such as weather condition, time of day, distance of the witness from the incident, and illumination. Stress is another factor which affects a person’s memory. For instance, an eyewitness who has been so horrified by a killing often fails to recall vital aspects of the incident. In such cases, it is said that the memory of the witness fails him or her, giving credence to the school of thought which maintains that man’s memory is actually imperfect (Cline).Elizabeth Loftus belongs to this school of thought. In fact, in her book Memory: Surprising New Insights into How We Remember and Why We Forget, she wrote that â€Å"we often do not see things accurately in the first place. But even if we take in a reasonably accurate picture of some experience, it does not necessarily stay perfectly intact in memory†¦With the passage of time, with proper motivation, with the introduction of special kinds of interfering facts, the memory traces seem sometimes to change or become transformed† (Cline). In other words, memory is not only imperfect but could also be manipulated or managed. This is only one of many observations raised by scholars and researchers about the reliability of eyewitness testimony.  

Monday, July 29, 2019

Abortion in the United States Essay

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics to date in the United States. Because of the complexity and issues involved, there are those individuals who are for abortion, and those who are against. There is neutrality that extends between the two, with those who are one the fence depending on circumstantial situations. In this paper our group of four peers debate the topic, and base a conclusion on weather women in the United States should have the right to abortion, based on the arguments themselves. Today, the reference of for and against, is better known as pro-choice and pro-life. Pro choice (abortions) refer to the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete right over her fertility, and that she should have the freedom to decide whether she wants to continue or terminate her pregnancy (Bose, 2012). According to pro-life advocates, women who demand complete control of their body should also shoulder the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancy, and t hat the result of an unplanned pregnancy, rape or incest, aborting the embryo is equivalent to punishing the unborn child (Bose, 2012). See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay The position that Valora has in this debate, is that it is the woman’s choice to decide whether or not to have an abortion, but also to understand that it is their responsibility to protect against unwanted pregnancies by using every available means of contraceptive, not including using abortion as if it were a contraceptive, as some pro-life advocates would claim. When evaluating risk, one should take in account of women’s feelings after an abortion. Feelings of depression and anxiety is something woman feel prior, and of course afterwards. Women sometimes choose abortions because of medical issues with the babies, or horrifying circumstances leading to the unwanted pregnancy. Henry P. David, PhD stated after conclusive research â€Å"severe psychological reactions after an abortion are infrequent†. The best indicator of your mental feelings after an abortion is to realize your feelings and mental health prior to the abortion. ( Usual feelings aft er an abortion is relief, loss, sadness, and grief. It is okay to grieve and you should give yourself time to grieve. Women who have had abortion may have feelings of sadness because they had to make the decision on their own without help from family and friends. Some woman may live in a home life where they are made to feel worthless because of the decision they will make. Some believe women who decide to have abortions will come down with â€Å"Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome†, which is psychological trauma or deep depression, and the American Psychological Association has found no scientific evidence that abortion leads to this type of trauma. Furthermore, experts stated after a study with the National Cancer Institute studied abortions and breast cancer, trying to see if there is any link between an abortion and breast cancer. In the end they settled that there was no link between the chances of breast cancer if you had received an abortion. In the United States, technology has made abortion safer in the last few years. Abortions are performed with in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. Early termination the better is for the woman, less complications. Most woman receiving their abortion within the first 9 weeks report no complications afterwards. Less than 0.5% of women have serious complication that may bring them back to be seen or hospitalized. Complication rates to rise if the abortion is decided with the pregnancy weeks of 13 and 24. The position of Tracy in this paper is that abortion should be the right of the woman. I do not believe the government or any religious authority should make this type of decision for any woman. Deciding to have an abortion is an important decision in itself and having others dictate you can or cannot choose makes the situation even more confusing. As with most any conflicts, there are usually laws which govern the actions those directly involved, and with abortion comes some of the most well-known pieces of legislature in history. Today in the United States abortion is legal in every state due to the decision of Roe v. Wade. In this case the appellant (Roe) sued the state of Teas on the basis that personal privacy was violated unconstitutionally when the state proscribes that it is unlawful to abort a fetus, other than to save the life of a mother, advised by a licensed medical physician. The ruling decided on January 22, 1973 by the United States Supreme Court was a major milestone in the still controversial topic of abortion. According to the court â€Å"the abortion statutes void as vague and over-broadly infringing those plaintiff’s Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment right† (Roe v. Wade). On the same day of the Roe decision, another case in the state3 of Georgia was also decided on, in the case of Doe v Bolton we the state in question also was found to be in violation of the appellants constitutional rights. The Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. The Fourteenth Amendment: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or poverty, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (Legal Information Institute). The position that Timothy has on this subject, is that a woman’s right to abortion should be that of her own decision based on the legislation’s that have been passed. A woman should be able to do with her own body as she chooses, not including using abortion as a method of birth-control. Abortion is not all together without some medical complications. The side effects of abortion are sometimes critical. Some of them involve spotting and bleeding. You could be bleeding for past 30 to 60 days, bleeding which could be very dangerous if care was not sought from a physician. Another side affect is headaches and dizziness, fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, cramping, and diarrhea. Sometimes abortion can even lead rare instances of death. During the surgery the doctors may leave some parts of the fetus inside the body. That is what may cause the affections that may cause damage to the body and or death. The symptoms are high fever, diarrhea, cramping, foul smelling in your discharge and more. Your cervix may get injured and damaged by the surgical tools that are being used during the abortion procedure which will lead to not being able to conceive again. Women who have gone through abortion are at a greater risk of ovarian and cervical cancer. Abortion is a very short p rocedure but it impacts your life forever, and the after affects of abortion varies from physical and psychological effects. Women may develop an eating disorders, or drugs on alcohol abuse, or they may have flash backs about the procedures themselves. Abortions may cause problems in relationships, and it may affect the woman’s sex life which leads to sexual dysfunction. The position that Veronica has on the subject of abortion is that she does not agree with the procedure, and the word abortion can be discussed in two different ways. Therapeutic abortion is one, where the abortion is unplanned due to medical problems with the patient’s health also unknown as miscarriage. Another way is elective abortion when it is planned. In many states planned abortions are illegal and have resulted in up to 70,000 deaths across the world every year. Many arguments support the issue on abortion. One reason why I am against abortion is that you are killing an innocent child that has nothing to do with the mistakes that one makes by having unprotected sex. You should not kill an unborn child because you are ashamed and afraid of what people might say about you. Another reason why she is against abortion is it’s against her religion. â€Å"If I make a mistake and got pregnant, then I would have to step up to the plate and take care and raise my child. It is against my religion to have abortions, because children are a gift from God†. In conclusion of this paper, there are two sides to this debate on whether women should have the right to have abortions in the United States. The research shows that the peer group has more emphases on the pro-choice side of the debate, because the laws of abortion are designed to protect the welfare of the mother and in some cases the fetus, if there is evidence of potential danger, and the fetus may be born with severe disorders, or mother having serious complications that could threaten the mother’s life. In the past, abortions were not as safe as they are today due to advanced technologies, making abortion safer than they’ve ever been before. Abortion is sometimes the best course because of medical issues, and sometimes due to other horrifying circumstances in which some women may become pregnant, such as rape, incest, and or other circumstances that may be legitimately valid reasons, and may lessen the quality of life for the child or mother. In 1973 it was decided by the highest court in the United States (The Supreme Court), that prior statutes infringed on the rights of women in such cases as Doe v Bolton, and Roe v Wade, making abortion legal, and the right of women to choose. Opposing arguments have raised health related issues of having abortions such as â€Å"Post-Abortion Syndrome†, breast cancer, and depression, but upon studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute, and The American Psychological Association, there has been no scientific evidence to prove the accusations. Abortion will probably remain one of the most controversial topics known to man, but the pros, and the laws which protect, are essential in preserving individual rights of freedom in the United States. References Bose, D. (2012). Arguments for Pro Choice. Retrieved from website: Doe v. Bolton. (n.d.). In Legal Information Institute. Retrieved from Dudley, S., Ph.D., Kruse, MS, CNM, ARNP. (2006). Evaluating the risk of complications. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Abortion Federation. Revised December 2006. Fourteenth Amendment. (n.d.). In Legal Information Institute. Retrieved from Heath, S. (2012, April 14). No One Called Me a Slut. Retrieved from Ninth Amendment. (n.d.). In Legal Information Institute. Retrieved from Roe v. Wade . (n.d.). In Legal Information Institute. Retrieved from Sengupta, S. (2010, June 30). Should Abortion Be Legal. Retrieved from

Strategic planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic planning - Research Paper Example Why Do Strategic Planning? Failing to make plans means making plans for failure – as the old saying goes. Having a strategic plan means an improvement in performance in whichever undertaking a person involves himself or herself into; you cannot fail if you have a clearly defined roadmap to your desired destination. Another reason to make strategic plans is for the sake of avoiding short-term as well as inward thinking. It also enables a person, an organization or a company to be able to come up with solutions to various major issues at macro levels. Finally, having a strategic plan means the ability to have the ability to communicate to everyone concerned about an issue, the most important or vital elements or aspects about an issue. When planning strategically, there are questions a person needs to ask himself, or herself. Some of these questions include: Where is locus at this point in time? – assessment Which point do we desire to be? This is the future state or the state we will be at the end of it all How do we hope to close the gap between our present state and our end state? This is where the strategic plan comes into place How do we plan to monitor our progress? This involves the balanced scorecard While choosing or coming up with a strategic plan for the endeavors we engage in, it is prudent to keep in mind the fact that for a strategic plan to be considered good, it should†¦ Be able to address issues of critical performance Be able to create the right and desired balance in between the abilities of the organization, and the desires of the organization Be able to span a considerable period in time in order to close down the performance gap Be a visionary strategic plan. This means it should be able to convey an and state the way it is desired form the beginning Be flexible. This means that the strategic plan should accommodate and allow for change Guide the decision making in the operational, individual, and tactical lower levels of the organization or institution There are quite a number of strategic planning model. The model I choose for the purposes of this paper and assignment is the ABCDE strategic planning model. ABCDE is an acronym that stands for Assessment, baseline, Components, Down to specifics, Evaluate. Before getting started on the strategic planning tasks and activities, there are pre-requisites to the planning steps. These include: Find out if or whether the senior leadership is committed enough to go through with the strategic process. Find out who will be tasked to do what? Find out the activities and the responsibilities each group will be tasked to do Figure out which methods will be used to handle tasks Find out the best time to do tasks Features of the ABCDE Strategic Planning Model ASSESSMENT This involves engaging in a SWOT analysis to find out your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, as well as the threats to the task you would like to engage in. The SWOT analysis best handles assessm ent because of the ease in understanding associated with it. Additionally, SWOT can be applied at any level of the organization in charge of the strategic planning. When saying strengths, I mean the things that you, as an organization or as an individual can be able to perform well in; points of strength. On the other hand, weaknesses are the obstacles to the path that leads to the destination. These may be such things as bad leadership or lack of it at

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How modern portfolio theory can be used to manage the portfolio of Essay

How modern portfolio theory can be used to manage the portfolio of your own_ - Essay Example The pros barely edged the DJIA by a margin of 51 to 49 contests† (Investor Home, 2011). An investor simply parking their money in the Dow would have beaten the specific picks of the professionals about half the time, even without transaction costs or taxes. Even worse, later research found that the pros got a break due to the announcement effect of the stock (Liang, 1996). When the pros made an announcement, others invested naively, but these stocks later reversed quite quickly: When taking this into account, the pros did not beat the dartboard! And in the last year of the contest, the readers won slightly (Jasen, 2002). All of this seems to sink the idea of portfolio analysis: If the best pros in the world using the best techniques can't beat random chance, how can anyone? But modern portfolio tools have given investors, particularly newer ones, skills for constructing an asset portfolio that will beat out mutual funds and naive investment. The Failure of Mutual Funds It's not just professionals that struggle to create value. Mutual funds are also very bad at generating growth, and they have the advantage not only of many investors and many analysts but also time and a diverse portfolio! â€Å"By and large, what you're going to find is that very, very few active funds consistently match the performance of the various indexes over the long-term, much less beat them... Finding a fund that consistently beat its index is like looking for a needle in a haystack† (Distad, 2009). Distad's data shows that very few funds beat out the market over time. Further, he notes that many of these actively managed funds are highly unreliable in terms of their fidelity. 80% had performance history only going back a year, out of a random sample of almost 3500 funds! Investors need to construct their own portfolio, not just rely on mutual funds that have had a mixed record of success and have certainly suffered after events like Enron, WorldCom and the 2008 collapse. A ssets Chosen I chose two assets: Whole Foods (WFMI) and Nintendo (NTDOY.PK). I wanted to pick two assets, one of which was more of a growth asset and another which was an asset that produced products I was familiar with and that I knew something about the likely market response to. The goal for both was risk control first and growth second: That is, I wanted there to be a steadiness to the line, whether it was going horizontally or sloping upwards. I selected based off of a visual analysis of both companies over five years, then used iQfront's analysis to see what the statistics were, and was pleasantly surprised. Modern portfolio theory emphasizes that risk has to be measured based on the variance of the stock (Goetzmann, 2011). Indeed, the core idea is that a tangency line can be created that has a riskless asset used as a baseline for comparison where both risk-averse and risk-accepting investors could invest comfortably, a perfect middle ground (Goetzmann, 2011). But finding tha t perfect portfolio is difficult, because â€Å"a major difficulty in estimating an efficient frontier accurately is that errors grow as the number of assets increase. You cannot just dump all the means, std's and correlations for the world's assets into an optimizer and turn the crank† (Goetzmann, 2011). We will return to why analyzing risk this way is compelling since other forms of risk are so appallingly inaccurately determined (Danielsson, 2009). In any respect, while growth is easy to measure (just look at how it's

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Persuasive arguement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Persuasive arguement - Essay Example Justice is the set of principles that major function is the distribution of entitlements, of rights, opportunities and resources. These would include income, wealth and the liberties that an individual possesses. For it therefore to be justice, the individuals to who these opportunities are presented must be several. Justice principally answers the question of who has a right or is entitled to what, in a given set or relative to other people or agents. This is more so, in an event that several agents are competing for these opportunities to meet different goals. In a liberal view therefore, and under these circumstances, a just distribution would take into considerations the provisions of mutual and equal respect. Democracy on the other hand, is a set of collective decision making processes. In these processes, those who belong to a given society or a particular group have an equal say in determining the rules that govern or should govern them. It is what Rawls defines as the exercis e of public reason. While the principle of democracy could be operationalized in a varied number of ways, its respect involves protecting the rights of the individuals, their liberties and their freedoms. These rights extend to the right to free speech, the freedom of expression and the freedom of association. It involves the right to let the majority determine who will hold political offices, and what laws will be used to govern the society. It also includes giving every individual, who has the capacity to vote, the chance to make his voice heard. While democracy is the respecting the will and the say of the majority, justice is protecting the rights of everybody in the society, including that of the minority. It is from this that justice and democracy always seem to come into conflict. The rules that are chosen through democratic procedures may fail to align with the demands that justice would propose for the society to appear or be just. The priority of the right over the good is one of the most central convictions of the political liberalisms that John Rawls proposes. It is common for democratic procedures and processes to be carried out in good faith. However, it is not always true that democratic procedures will always have it right when it comes to justice. It is common for the majority to use the strength of their numbers to stifle the voices of the minorities. It is for this reason and to remove this difficulty that minorities usually have their fundamental interests guarded by the provisions of a constitution. In this way, the controversy is removed from the whims of the majority. It is the belief of every liberal society that there are certain core principles that a society must have. Without these core principles, no society however developed, cannot claim that they express equality. Most of these interests typically provide for the basic freedoms, liberties and needs of an individual, including shelter, nutrition, sanitation, education, freedom of movement, bodily integrity, the freedom of thought and the equality before the law. As a consequence, subsistence rights and the liberties of a person place constraints on all the democratic decision makings. That is why if any outcome of any democratic process or procedure violates the provisions stipulated in the supreme law, that process is considered ipso facto unjust. For instance, the Declaration of Independence by the United States, that was adopted by the continental congress on the 4th of July 1776 asserted certain natural

Friday, July 26, 2019

Moral Permissibility of Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Moral Permissibility of Abortion - Essay Example Finally, moderate view supporters will consider the stage of fetus development and suggest that abortion is possible at the early term. In this essay, I will argue that despite the fact that Deb has a legal right to terminate the pregnancy, she needs to choose a solution which would give more positive consequences that the opposite one. Pro-life critics would oppose this argument saying that there is not case where human life can be taken away by other people. Human life is the biggest value. However, challenging the way people define ‘human’ and ‘sentience’ can lead to acceptance of abortion under some circumstances. In many ways, moral permissibility of abortion depends on the state of fetus development. According to Sumner (1981), human fetus is not static in its development. First of all it is constantly developing. Second, it is developing gradually and, third, there is a huge difference between the beginning of the pregnancy and the end of pregnancy where fetus is well-developed (Sumner, 1981). When a woman becomes pregnant, there is only a zygote in her body which does not look and act as a human being. In the process of development, zygote transforms becoming more developed and human-like. During late stages of pregnancy, the fetus is already well-developed. If a child is born being seven, eight or nine months, it can survive with the help of doctors. This fact proves that sentient characteristics in fetus develop in time; they are not presented in zygote initially. Thus, abortion during at the early term is permissible. These three characteristics used by Sumner (1981) in moral reasoning of abortion lead to the rejection of the main argument of prohibitionists as it does not consider that fact that pregnancy is a dynamic process. Conservatives argues that abortion is evil under any circumstances because it is the act of killing a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Counselling and Sexual Orientation Research Paper

Counselling and Sexual Orientation - Research Paper Example Moreover, counselors also are guided by their own morals and religious beliefs. For example, a counselor with a religious background may not be willing to attend to issues of sexual orientation for gay and lesbians. Attending to them would amount to going against his ethical principle. However, this is not usually the case because counseling involves helping those people who are in need and for which therapeutic services would help improves on their health. A Christian fundamentalist counselor is faced with the ethical issue while dealing with cases of gay culture and homosexual behaviors. Christianity rebukes and discourages homosexual and lesbianism and so their counselors would not be willing to attend to the case resulting from such indulgence. The issue of morality is always a topical issue and has evolved to a more complex issue between individuals codes of conduct (Ethics and Counselling). Ethical counseling is among the complex discussion that revolves in the discipline due to the nature of the client and counselors background. Many countries do not have strict laws that guide counseling profession. However, the use of ethical standard is done to ensure that quality services are provided by all counselors. Moreover, counselors are trained of the value of protecting client’s confidentiality. Therefore, counselor should meet the demand of their clients no matter their moral standing because they would minimize danger and aggravation of the problem. Moreover, the ethical of secrecy protect counselors facing accusation of serving the gay community. According to Daniluk and Haverkamp ethical counseling is based on the concept of self-interest, beneficence, autonomy, non-maleficence, fidelity and justice (Ethics and Counselling). Therefore, therapeutic therapy on sexual orientation in guided by the above concepts and it would be better if a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Small and Medium Enterprises in an International Cont Essay

Small and Medium Enterprises in an International Cont - Essay Example After 2 years, she moved to a new place in the same locality of North Yorkshire where there was a separate place for showcasing the new designs and she had a workshop for stitching. She had hired tailors and bought new machines and had started to produce dresses for various sizes. Now in 2007, Noni has a team of designers working for her for which she is the creative head. She has a tailoring place, where she has a group of tailors to bring her designs into form and shape. The total employee strength had become 75. The development of her business was financed through bank and Noni was able tor repay all of her bank loans within a period of eight years and by 2000 the business was established with steady profits. But recently there is a lull in the business. She had a few competitors in the area like the Jesslyn and the Mctavish families who were also making wedding gowns along with other gents and ladies formal wear. But Noni's designs, price and quality was much appreciated by the residents and in spite of the competition she was able to grow. Analysis of the reasons for recent slump in business showed that it was because of the e- commerce. After the advent of the internet, people were exposed to a lot of online sources, it was easier for people to buy new and used wedding gowns at very competitive prices. Though Noni believed that her gowns were of better quality compared to those sold online for the same prices as hers, the preference of people to buy online has increased. Hence, Noni has to devise a strategy to survive this competition from the virtual stores. Until now, Noni was concerned about the tastes and preferences of her immediate community which was her market. Also she was taking into account only the competition of her neighboring stores. But now anybody from across the world who has the taste to design gowns can start an online business and can steal a customer from Noni. Also, another factor which Noni has to consider is that, because of the advent of the information technology, consumers are flooded with information. People can easily access to fashion and trends in the major fashion capitals and they are very knowledgeable about the technicalities of making a dress. Hence, the expectation of the consumers has increased a lot. They compare the designs and costs from various shops not only in the neighborhood but also in US or in Europe and they know whether they are getting a deal or not. Hence, to survive and grow in this kind of an environment is a real challenge for Noni and her Best Bride. Survival strategy The strategy Noni thought about is that she wanted to carryout and extensive market research covering her whole neighborhood, but the dependency of the business on her and her financial conditions did not permit that. Instead she listed the strengths of Best Bride. These strengths were the factors which made her business grow in the first place. So she wanted to find out whether she had deviated from the factors which had contributed her growth. The two Ps she was concerned about like most of other SMEs were the Price and Product. It was true that her business was dependent on her and she was just tackling the everyday problems which had added to her strength in the area of designs and quality of the product. To tackle the competition from virtual stores Noni, thought about the following strategies: 1. Concentrate on the promotion 2. Enter new

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while Essay

The opportunities and challenges that a Chinese firm faces while entering into Saudi Arabian market - Essay Example The present research has identified that in the recent times, it has been observed that increasing number of firms are going global which includes sectors like manufacturing, service, art, music and film among others. International business leads to enhanced flow of capital, services as well as ideas across the world. Consumers are offered with new choices and the companies are facilitated to innovate various new products as well as services. It has also been observed that international business assists in offering challenging employment opportunities to the people. Those transactions that are carried out in or with countries abroad in order to content the goals of the individuals, companies as well as organizations are referred to as international businesses. There are numerous types of international businesses such as export-import trade, foreign direct investment, licensing, and franchising and management contracts. It has been observed that since the past thirty years of operatio n, the volume of international trade has augmented from $200 billion to more than $7.5 trillion. In comparison to the global exports, there is rise in the sales of the foreign affiliates by a significant amount. The best thing that can be identified in the context of international business is that it has been successful in creating a network related to global connections that is capable of binding two countries, institutions as well as individuals because of trade, financial markets, technology as well as living standards. In the context of this study, the Chinese firm which is into retail sector wants to enter into Gulf Cooperation Council based country i.e., Saudi Arabia is considered. The Chinese firm will hire a consultant in order to gain advice on making such a move. The consultant will try to identify and offer advices on the challenges as well as opportunities when undertaking such a move into gulf countries. The project will begin with industry-specific characteristics. In order to do so, diamond model will be used. The project will also try to identify the general business contexts both national (China) as well as international (Saudi-Arabia). This will be conducted with the help of the PESTEL analysis. The next logical step followed after having identified the business context is to identify the most

Nitrogen is a part of chlorophyll Essay Example for Free

Nitrogen is a part of chlorophyll Essay Experiment- Using the fertilizer is important for many gardeners as it helps their plants to grow strong and healthy plus fertilizers can be fairly expensive and not all work as predicted, also Gardeners only get one chance at either growing their crop or plants so it is essential for them to get the fertilizer right. This experiment will focus on 6 major fertilizer brands to find out which is the best- Research- Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a necessary part of all proteins, enzymes and metabolic processes involved in the synthesis and transfer of energy. Nitrogen is a part of chlorophyll, the green pigment of the plant that is responsible for photosynthesis. Helps plants with rapid growth, increasing seed and fruit production and improving the quality of leaf and forage crops. Nitrogen often comes from fertilizer application and from the air (legumes get their N from the atmosphere, water or rainfall contributes very little nitrogen) Phosphorus (P) Like nitrogen, phosphorus (P) is an essential part of the process of photosynthesis. Involved in the formation of all oils, sugars, starches, etc. Helps with the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy; proper plant maturation; withstanding stress. Effects rapid growth. Encourages blooming and root growth. Phosphorus often comes from fertilizer, bone meal, and superphosphate. Potassium (K) Potassium is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than any other mineral element except nitrogen and, in some cases, calcium. Helps in the building of protein, photosynthesis, fruit quality and reduction of diseases. Potassium is supplied to plants by soil minerals, organic materials, and fertilizer. Calcium (Ca) Calcium, an essential part of plant cell wall structure, provides for normal transport and retention of other elements as well as strength in the plant. It is also thought to counteract the effect of alkali salts and organic acids within a plant. Sources of calcium are dolomitic lime, gypsum, and superphosphate. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium are all the essential nutrients usually added to help aide in the plants growth as when the plant grows it absorbs large proportions of each nutrient meaning that there will be near to none left, ending in a stunted growth, Gardeners and farmers add these nutrients to the ground to ensure there will always be enough for when the plant grows, the acidity of the soil is another reason why nutrients are added because the higher the acidic level of the soil the more nutrients will be lost. All fertilizers have a controlled release which ensures that they will last longer. Information on Fertilizers used- Urea- Urea has the highest concentration of nitrogen that a fertilizer can offer, it is composed of 50% Nitrogen, as it is usually Nitrogen that is absorbed the most by plants during growth. It is one of the basic fertilizers as it only offers one nutrient to the plants. Osmocote- Osmocote offers the most diverse and wide range of nutrients to plants, Osmocote is composed of Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium and also contains organic seed growing mix to help with faster seed growth. It also contains a wetting agent which ensures that it will stay moisturized for longer. Nitrophoska- Nitrophoska is the most environmentally friendly of all the fertilizers as the components wear off over a certain time into the soil leaving no traces or harm to the environment, it also is one of the few fertilizers that can be used on any plant. Nitrophoska contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. NPK Fertilizer- NPK fertilizer is the most commonly used and manufactured fertilizer as it contains the three essential nutrients for plant growth Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. Due to its high domestic demand many plants are also able to have NPK Fertilizer used on them. Blood and Bone- Blood Bone Based Fertilizer contains 65% blood and Bone meal with added animal manure (Nitogen-5. 4: Phosphorus4. 0: Potassium-0. 4). Blood and Bone contains the most organic matter of all the fertilizers, which gives the plant a larger leaf growth and can be used on a wide range of plants and trees. Control- A controlled test with only garden soil and no fertilizer to test and compare to the other fertilizers. Why choose Granular? Another important thing that needs to be discussed is why use Granular fertilizer out of a whole range of other fertilizer types. Reasons- Granular fertilizer can be weighted or measured more easily to ensure that one test doesn’t receive more fertilizer then the one next to it. Granular fertilizer is the cheapest form of fertilizer and it is ideal for indoor and pot plants. Granular fertilizer contains the most nutrients that a fertilizer can offer giving it the advantage over other fertilizers and saving on buying extras, Granular fertilizers also come wetting agents which ensures that it has water for longer. Granular fertilizers are much less harmful as they don’t contain micro bacteria or other harmful substances. And Granular fertilizers offer the widest variety to choose from giving the buyer of an option of what type of fertilizers to buy and which ones will suit their plants. Granular fertilizers are also time released, meaning that it allows nutrients to flow out of the granules and into the soil over time, meaning that the plant will have a constant supply of food and nutrients. Granular fertilizer were chosen to be used for this experiment as they offered a wider variety of advantage for plant growth, to wetting agents and that it was easiest to measure/ weight to give a fairer test. Bibliography http://feeco. com/2011/12/07/npk-fertilizer-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-work/- Information given on NPK fertilizer and its components, benefits and other facts. http://www. grahamturf. com/main/reference/images/liquid_vs_granular. pdf- Information about Granular Fertilizers, what they are good for, which plants they are good for and what they are made of. Http://www. incitecpivot. com. au/entec_nitrophoska_blue. cfm- Information given about Nitrophoska fertilizer and its components, benefits and other facts. http://www. incitecpivot. com. au/zone_files/PDFs/Urea_Factsheet.pdf- Information given about Urea fertilizer and its components, benefits and other facts. http://www. ncagr. gov/cyber/kidswrld/plant/nutrient. htm- Information given on the essential nutrients needed by plants and how the plants benefit from those nutrients. Http://www. scottsaustralia. com. au/media/MSDS/Osmocote-Plus-Organics-Plant-Starter-(120840)-1010. pdf- Information given on Osmocote fertilizer and its components, benefits and other facts. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Fertilizer- Information on common fertilizers, their purpose and what they contain and why they contain it, basically a fact sheet on fertilizers http://www. yates. com. au/commercial/products/plant-food/organic-based/blood-bone-based-fertiliser/- Information given on Blood and Bone fertilizer and its components, benefits and other facts. Aim- To find out which common household granular fertilizer, and state which fertilizer those with phosphorus, nitrogen or other, promotes the fastest and healthiest growth in plants/grass in a controlled amount of time consisting of six weeks, by measuring and recording the growth of each plant over an allocated time period, and to record nutrients and water levels left in the plants every Week, to determine which fertilizer is the best.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Of Mice and Men by John Ernst Steinbeck Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men by John Ernst Steinbeck Essay Of Mice and Men was written by John Ernst Steinbeck. This book was published in 1937. This is a tale about an extraordinary friendship between two migrant labourers during the Great Depression who shared the same dream of having their own ranch living on their own land. They moved on to a new job after they ran away from their previous job in a hurry, following an incident involving the larger of the two men. Here they met new people as well as trouble along their job in the ranch with the boss son who greatly dislikes big people, and his wife who likes flirting with the boys a lot. In a fight Lennie tried to defend himself against Curley but he still kept punching Lennie, he decided he had enough so he fought back and when he saw the opportunity he grabbed Curleys hands and crushed it. He also accidentally killed his wife while stroking her hair in the barn which George was really crossed about and decided to kill him for their own good. The Great Depression occurred during the 1930s (year when this book was published) when the American Stock Market on Wall Street crashed catastrophically and led to a massive economic depression, which greatly affected America and some parts of the world that resulted to workers migrated all over the country to find jobs. Lennie George were migrant farm worker who moved from one place to another to find work. They became migrant workers because of the trouble that they caused at their old place, which urged them to get on the run and find a new job. George is small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes (might be a bit worried) and having sharp, strong features Lennie is his complete opposite a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and walks heavily dragging his feet a little, like the way a bear drags its paws and with arms hanging loosely. This shows us how animal-like Lennie is. Workers in the ranch live in a bunk house a long rectangular, building which could accommodate up to 8 people in their own bunks. Georges first thoughts about the bunk house was dirty and unhygienic infested with tiny bugs; which came into his mind when he found a small yellow can on the box shelf which was supposed to kill tiny bugs and insects. The bunk house, which they were living in, was quiet big but without privacy as there were no individual rooms, an infested bunk house with an old dog going in and out which we dont know what kind of insect it might be carrying. The overall condition in this bunk house depends mainly on its occupiers of being clean and hygienic. Migrant workers like Lennie and George havent got stability; they go to the ranch mainly to work and get paid then get on with their lives. Most of their work placement isnt permanent they havent got stability at all, it mainly depends with the contract they have, which often wouldnt last that long because of different factors thats why they couldnt make any long-term plans. Migrant workers are the loneliest guys in the world theyve got no friends. They have no family and dont belong to no place. Theyve got no one to talk to, and no one cares about them. Its difficult for a migrant worker to have friend to accompany each other. Hardly none of the guys ever travel together unlike Lennie and George that gives them an extraordinary friendship. Guys in the ranch just come in the bunk, work for a month and go out alone. Lennie and George are different because they got each other to look after themselves that makes them quiet unusual. I would find it rather difficult to make friends if I work as a migrant worker. I would feel uneasy with myself going to a strange place and meeting and befriending new people. As what Slim said its a bit odd two people coming together, usually a person come and go with no one to look up to. Lennie and George shares a common dream the ambition of having a little house and a piece of land of their own an live off the fatta the lan; they dreamed of having a better life with their land having a garden, a little win mill, a rabbit cage, an a chicken run. In which they could grow different sorts of crops and raise some farm animals ranging from chickens to cows and specially rabbits that Lennie is so keen about. This dream means a lot to them saving up all their monthly stakes for this to materialise, their dream gives them hope and determination and most importantly this means their future. In the novel not only George and Lennie have dream but also Curleys wife who regrettably married Curley when she could have gone with someone richer and famous guys. She imagined herself acting and living in luxury if she had run away with the other guys instead of Curley, she coulda been in the movies, and had a nice clothes, with pictures taken of her. She could be sittin in them big hotels and it wouldnt even cost her a cent because she was in the picture. This was her once in a lifetime chance, which she deeply regrets; if only she had run away with the guys she could be rich by now. Everyone in during the depression dreamed of having their own land, thinking that they could live better off with themselves. Most of them shared a common goal the American Dream. People in the ranch has nowhere to go to so they spend most of their time dreaming of their own place but even if they worked hard enough they wont be able to save enough to move on in life. Even George was tempted to go with them to the cat-house leaving Lennie behind and spending money on their account. Even if they got their own place they were always doomed to failure of history repeating itself about Lennie, which was their huge pitfall. These people had dreams thinking they could live much better on their own life with no one controlling them. These ambitions are good for them giving them something to look forward to, to give them hope and determination that one day they would be able to achieve their dream. But somehow it would be bad to have these dreams and living on a fantasy world that some how we know, doesnt exist. Most of the people in the ranch are victims of prejudice because of their incapabilities, race or physical appearance. Prejudice means to pre-judge someone, it is an attitude of mind on any topic which encourages us to prejudge those who differ from us in some way. Racism, Discrimination, Scapegoating and Stereotyping are some forms of applied prejudice. Candy is the only oldest person in the ranch thats why he is treated with prejudice adding to the fact to that he had lost his hand, which makes him feel very useless. His dog was shot because he was powerless to stop them because he was just an old man and most of the people wants his dog dead; he was depending on how Slim would react to help him save his dog but Slim turned him down. He was the only chance he had to stop his dog from being executed. He also has the least respected job being the cleaner or swamper as its called. Curleys wife is treated with prejudice from the fact she is the Boss daughter-in-law. Her flirtatious attitude contributes to the way she is treated. She not only wants some one to talk to, she wants someone to open-up with to share her loneliness and to express her feelings. Some men have different feelings for her like Whit and Lennie are attracted to her but George and Candy despise her. But shes well aware of the power she holds over men even though shed just been there for a few weeks. She doesnt let anybody step on her and treats her like dust, she annoys them even more if she knows the person doesnt like her. Crooks is the worst victim of prejudice to the extent that he is treated in a different way being segregated from other guys because he is black. Being a black man he is the subject of verbal and physical degradation. He is sole survivor; he shows us that he is a fighter who doesnt easily get degraded. Even though he is segregated he has his own room, which not all of them have, and he has the most numerous belongings. Even though he is the victim he also shows us his manipulative way because he knows he could be dominate over Lennie in which he saw h over Lennie but Lennie quickly got off of the bait and showed him that he is still the lowest of all ranks in the ranch. Surely no one would like to be treated in such manner of Prejudging others without knowing the reasons behind it. It is usually were evil starts. Most of the time it results to discrimination and racism that, are often accompanied by either physical or verbal aggression; this is a form of prejudice in action. I strongly disagree to someone treating anyone with prejudice. Prejudice is such an evil way of thinking; only people with a clear evil intention and malicious mind would do that. I dont think their lives are appealing. I dont want to live like migrant workers moving from one place to another, I would like a permanent job and permanent place where I can have stability. They also have to understand the people around them and adjust to their new environment. They also got to bare the loneliness; people like them got no one to talk to, no families, and no place to live. They have no directions in life; in the ranch people are going nowhere. They come in to work then come out, spend all their monthly stakes and come back to work again. They migrate from their town because there is no work to be found around it. So they spent most of their time migrating depending on their contract.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Amazon Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management

Amazon Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management The case study I have chosen for my topic is on AMAZON.COM, the area where I would be focusing is on the core concept of e-business and the benefits it provide effectively in adopting e-supply chain strategies. The main focus here in on the word e-as it has change the way of doing business in a global environment. Therefore, technology here plays a vital role in expanding new areas for businesses and enabling organizations to minimize their costs and work more precisely and effectively. Internet has made the world a small village for customers as now customers from across the world can assess any product of their choice by one click of mouse. Internet is world of opportunities as I come across a statement given by Tony Blair (UKs X Prime Minister), If you dont see the Internet as an opportunity, it will be a threat. (Financial Times, 1999) (Barnes 2001) Furthermore, this paper would be focusing on Amazons history and background, and then the focus would be on the product and services Amazon is offering to its customers, the practice of supply chain within the company and its customers. The paper also comprises of the benefits of e-business Amazon is providing to the customers effectively as well as importance of logistics in fulfillment of supply chain strategy throughout the supply chain. Background of Amazon.Com Amazon.Com was launched on 16th July 1995 by Jeff Bezos known as pioneer in e-commerce (R. Spector 2000) with a tag line under the alphabet A Earths Biggest Bookstore and is based in Seattle. At the beginning the web page was designed for selling books with a message at the top of the website Welcome to Books Search one million titles. Enjoy consistently low prices. (R.Spector, 2000). At Present the company is providing three primary customer sets; consumers, Sellers, and developers. The general idea behind Amazon was to serve as many customers as possible with variety of products that the volume of business would generate profits for (R.Saunders 2001). In the early phase of business the company agreed upon having a very little or no inventory due to costs involved in keeping inventory. In the early nineties many traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers worked with their suppliers in accordance with the concept just-in-time delivery in order to keep the cost of inventory low but Amazon followed almost-in-time delivery introduced by Barton Davis who was the second employee of the firm when Amazon started. (R.Spector,2000). This strategy meant that the books will be delivered to the customers after they order it as they are not kept in the stock until a customer asks for it. At present Amazon have six warehouses where it stocks its inventory. As per the companys annual report of 2009 it indicates that company is experiencing continuous improvement in customer services which is result of 15 years of previous service like speeding delivery, reducing their cost structure in order to offer customers with ever lower cost prices. (J.P. Bezos 2010). Products and Services at Amazon Amazon started with selling of books by filling all orders of books by purchasing from a distributor in accordance with the orders given by customers. At Amazon they have a stock of bestselling books. Amazons main strategy is to keep on expanding the set of products and sell them online. In June 2002 Amazon became an authorized dealer of Sony Corp., selling sony products online (E. Turban, 2006). Apart from books Amazon has added many new product categories such as music, toys, electronics, jewelry, shoes and apparel (S.Chopra 2007). According to the annual report of Amazon.Com (2009), it has added 21 new categories around the world which includes Automotive in Japan, Shoes and Apparel in China. Amazon web services as also launched new services and features which includes the Amazon Relational Database Service, Virtual Private Cloud, Elastic MapReduce, High-Memory EC2 Instances and Versioning for Amazon S3. (J.P. Bezos.2010). Supply Chain Practices of Amazon.Com Before we come to the supply chain practice of Amazon.Com its necessary to define Supply Chain Management, therefore supply chain management refers Supply chain management is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers. Manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize systemwide costs while satisfying service level requirement.. (D.S.Levi 2008, Pg.1). Now, after looking at the definition we come across the real meaning of supply chain management, therefore, if we look at supply chain of Amazon.Com it start from the customer and ends up to the customer meaning its a continuous process which starts when the customer for the first time makes a request for any product at Amazon, it directly goes into his virtual basket and after pressing the buy button and mode of payment he selects a mode of delivery services which includes overnight and various international shipping options (R. Spector 2000). Amazon have a system where orders are recorded, registered and processed and simultaneously, customer on the other hand is immediately apprised of the status of his order and how long will it take to ship the product with the amount of shipping costs involved in it (R. Saunders 2001). Inventory Management at Amazon.Com Amazon stocks best-selling books at its warehouses and get the other titles from other distributors or publishers. To deliver the products Amazon uses U.S. Postal Services, UPS and FedEx to deliver the goods to the customers (S.Chopra 2007). Here we can see the importance of e-commerce in supply chain that how effectively organizations are trying to invest and find new opportunities through e-commerce especially in field of supply chain management. The supply chain of Amazon is very strong just because of responding quickly and accordingly to the customers specification on delivering the goods at the right time, at the right place and at the right price during the time specified According to the annual report 2009 of Amazon.Com, the inventories rose over 200,000 titles at the end of the year which enabled Amazon to improve the availability of products for their customers. Customer Relationship Management by Amazon.Com Every business revolves around satisfying customers and enhancing their relationship for long term, the same implies with providing services on Internet or e-commerce, the general idea is to create a positive relationship with customers. The Internet has played an important role in making it possible for organizations to focus on building relationships with customers and having a direct contact with each customer (S. Barnes 2001). Therefore, businesses on internet can improve synchronization, both within and across companies while providing a direct contact with end users. If we look at Amazon, it has build a strong relationship with all of its customers by meeting up their expectations and trying to be more effective in going beyond their expectations. From the companys more than 80 million customers across the world, more than half are repeat buyers (R.Saunders 2001). The focus of Amazon was to offer customers compelling value from the beginning and to meet customers requirement 365 days a year. According to the annual report 2009 of Amazon.Com, Amazon has relied on Word of Mouth advertisement and to date it remains the most powerful tool in customer acquisition because repeat purchasing and word of mouth has made Amazon to be a market leader in online bookselling. Therefore, it is important for retailers to emphasize on satisfying customers because this can enable them to move first time buyers to loyal customers. Bezos, the chairman of Amazon once said, A pool of evangelists will use the Internet as a megaphone to help attract new customers with word of mouth. (R.Saunders 2001, pg.102) Importance of Logistics in Supply Chain Management Logistics plays an important role in supply chain because it acts as a bridge or link between the entire processes of supply chain as it is the main source of delivering the products to the end consumers in a timely manner as and when required. There is a big challenge in logistics in managing the whole logistics system in order to meet the customer requirements, perhaps, exceeding customer expectations. In todays competitive world and speed of ordering via Internet intensify the need of effective logistics system in order to deploy appropriate levels of inventory, delivering the products within the promised time and also managing the returns if required. The role of Logistics in Supply chain implies in creating a place utility and in managing the time effectively, as place utility is provided through moving the goods from the point of production to the point where demand exists, thus adding a economic value to the goods. Time utility is of greater essence as it is not necessary that the goods and services should only be available where customers need them but also that they are delivered when they actually demand them. These both activities are clearly seen in the case of Amazon.Com as both the services are effectively and efficiently performed by the organisation. Role of Logistics in Amazons Supply Chain There has been a deep research done by different authors in order to find the secrets behind the success of a retail company, and that is offering the right products in the right location at the right time having the right packaging in the right quantity at a reasonable price to the right customer (R. Saunders 2001, pg. 119). This is one of the most core elements of any organisation and seems to be the most important objective in Amazons shipping as well because the strategy is to deliver the product safely to the customer at the time specified. In the year 2000, Amazon developed a Delight-o-meter in order to track the total number of items ordered worldwide. Amazon got high marks in terms of delivering the products in time on holidays from all e-business and e-commerce magazines than other e-tailors companies of the world (R. Saunders 2001). Benefits of e-business in Supply Chain The success of every retail and e-retail depends on providing quality products at good prices having in mind quality excellent services. One of the most important benefit that e-business is providing organizations is to reach hundreds of millions of people open 365/24/7 in just a click of mouse omitting all the barriers which used to exists before. Companies with just a minimal capital requirement can easily and quickly reach to the best suppliers, unlimited customers and even most suitable business partners across the globe. This activity enables organizations to buy at cheaper rates and sell more in number of quantity. E-commerce plays a vital role in overcoming the inefficiencies in supply chain such as delivery delays and excessive inventories can be minimized. Furthermore EB also benefits in cost reduction like decreasing the cost of processing, distributing and storage activities (E. Turban 2006). Companies are now investing heavily in order to get the word E. Customers are getting the benefit due to intensive competition and number of products available to them online, like with just a click of mouse a customer with saving a lot of time can easily gather information of the features and prices of a product and can easily arrange direct shopping sitting at home (S. Korper 2001). Amazon is a classical example of B2C, which means it remains between the seller and the buyer. The objective of B2C is to optimize the business relationships with customers, increasing service levels effectively and efficiently and lastly increasing the sales (E. Turban 2006). Conclusion To sum up I would like to say that e-commerce and e-business play is a life blood of organizations, especially when I talk about Amazon.Com. A comprehensive research has been carried out through my research that how Amazon.Com has evolved its virtual door opened on the World Wide Web in July 1995. Furthermore, I would like to state that e-business plays an important role in managing the supply chain of Amazon.Com effectively and efficiently by offering customers what they are looking for and providing them their products within the time specified. Amazon.Com has become very successful in reducing its costs as well as increasing profitability effectively. The Amazon.Com leaves an example on how to do effective marketing on the Internet and satisfying customers. The role of e-business in expansion of businesses also play an important role as we see now every organisation whether big or small goes on the Web and offer their products or services on the web as well in order to grab millions of customer on the internet. E-commerce plays an important role in minimizing the costs throughout the supply chain and improves the level of service by meeting or exceeding customers expectations. At last but not the least, EC enables companies build a positive relationship with customers by providing direct services to the customers which in turn promotes better customer relationship management and increases customer loyalty.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fredrick Douglas And Harriet Jacobs Essay example -- American History

During the 1800s, slaves received treatment comparable to that of livestock. They were mere possessions of white men stripped of almost every last bit of humanity in them. African-Americans were constricted to this state of mind by their owners vicious treatment, but also the practice of keeping them uneducated. Keeping the slaves illiterate hindered them from understanding the world around them. Slave owners knew this. The slaves who were able to read and write always rebelled more against their masters. Frederick Douglass, author of "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass," and Harriet Jacobs, author of "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," were prime examples. Both slaves had been taught how read and write at a young age, and both gained their freedom by escaping to the northern states. What they had learned also helped them stay free while in the northern states after the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 which left no slave truly free. The literate slaves thought wit h a more free mind and developed a sense of self-identity and denied the identity of a slave. Literate slaves caught on to the immorality and injustice of slavery on black people. Another problem slave owners had with literate slaves was the potential for them to educate other slaves and give them thoughts of escaping or helping other slaves escape. Frederick Douglas and Harriet Jacobs both wrote of this in their books. Douglass was separated from his mother at an early age in order to prevent any feelings of attachment to her. His father was a white man, he might have been the man responsible for separating him from his mother. As a young child on the plantation, Douglass was exposed to the abuse of slave women received from their masters. Thi... ...rson's writing meant nothing legally, it helped out when escaping to freedom. Jacobs was able to send letters to Dr. Flint from inside her grandmother's attic space. She kept him traveling the northern states looking for her by saying she was in that state in a letter and had the postmark from that state. This was a very clever strategy on her part that ultimately played a big role in her gaining her freedom. If these slaves were not literate, it might have been more difficult to gain their freedom. Literacy saved Harriet Jacobs' and Frederick Douglass' sense of humanity from the dehumanizing institution of slavery. With the knowledge they had acquired, they published their books, "A Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass" and "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl." They also played a huge role in the abolitionist movement and in advocating human rights.

evilmac Free Macbeth Essay - From Good to Evil in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays

From Good to Evil in Macbeth A person could make a dramatic change of character when they go from a heart of good to a heart of evil. Macbeth is motivated to kill Duncan by Lady Macbeth, but Macbeth is then motivated by fate, and finally motivated by impulse to carry out his next succession of crimes. Macbeth had a hand, or was involved in 3 murders in the story. The first murder was of King Duncan at the beginning of the story with the aid and instructions of Lady Macbeth. The second murder was of Macbeth’s best friend Banquo, which Macbeth used the service of three murders to accomplish. It was fate for Macbeth to eliminate Banquo because Banquo was to be the father of kings while Macbeth would not. Finally, the third murder was of Macduff’s wife and children. One murderer does the job this time and Macbeth decides from this murder on to act on impulse and not think or feel remorse for any action he does from there on. All these murders indicate that Macbeth doesn’t know how to make things right after he has done something wrong, so he does the only thing he thinks is right, and that is to be more violent with each act he commits. When Macbeth is first introduced, the first impression that we have of him is that he was an incredible and worthy fighter and the King speaks very highly of him. An example of this is "O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman!" The phrase shows that Duncan is very proud of Macbeth, his soldier, and his cousin. In the witches prophecies, Macbeth was told he would be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and then eventually become King. He was already Thane of Glamis and he becomes Thane of Cawdor shortly after the execution of the previous Thane, but one prophecy sticks in his mind. He is to become King. Macbeth had the thoughts of becoming King but there was no way he would ever think of murdering his King. He had neither the heart nor determination to do such a violent act. He expresses his discomfort with this in a soliloquy. "That tears shall down the wind. I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself, and falls on the other." Mac beth mentions he has no motive to do the deed.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery OConnor :: Good Man Is Hard to Find Essays

A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O'Connor In the short story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O'Connor, every object including the characters are symbols. The Grandmother, who is the one and only dynamic character, represents all of us who have repented. The story is, as Flannery O'Connor has suggested a spiritual journey because of the Grandmother's Plight. In the beginning of the story the Grandmother is obsessed with everything worldly and superficial. She cares far too much about how others perceive her, "Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady" (O'Conner 138). She gets dressed up for a car trip so that, on the off chance that they would be in a car wreck and that in that wreck she would be thrown from the car and laying on the pavement, she would be happy because the people passing would think that she is a lady. This represents us as humans because daily we choose to be way too self-conscience. Think about females and make-up. Make-up is a perfect example of us caring a great deal about what others think of us. She is also very selfish in her endeavors. Instead of caring about what is best for the family, she wants to go to Tennessee because she has friends there whom she would like to see. There are three phases of thought for the Grandmother. During the first phase, which is in the beginning, she is completely focused on herself in relation to how others think of her. The Second Phase occurs when she is speaking to The Misfit. In the story, The Misfit represents a quasi-final judgment. He does this by acting like a mirror. He lets whatever The Grandmother says bounce right off him. He never really agrees with her or disagrees, and in the end he is the one who kills her. His second to last line, "She would of been a good woman," The Misfit said, "if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life," (O'Conner 152). might be the way O'Conner felt about most of us alive, or how she felt that God must feel about us.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Transit of venus

The play Transit of Venus was authored by Maureen Hunter. The storyline was based on the life of an 18th century French astronomer named Guillaume le Gentil de la Galaisià ¨re. As an astronomer Le Gentil attempted to chart the crossing of the planet Venus across the sun and the Earth, hence the title, Transit of Venus.Le Gentil was obsessed in charting the transit of Venus across the sun to the point that he neglected his fiancà ©e, Celeste. His obsession took him away from home for long periods of time. On one of his absences, Celeste thought that he died on his journey and thus, turned her love to Le Gentil’s assistant, Demarais.Upon Le Gentil’s return, after his unsuccessful journey, he tried to win back Celeste but failed. Thus, the play showed Le Gentil’s unsuccessful attempt in love – his love for his occupation as well as his love for his fiancà ©e.We could see signs of symbolisms used throughout the play. For instance, the opening of the play wa s accompanied by a storm which reflects the character’s obsession and incessant desire which is very much evident all throughout the play.While we know that the main character of the story, Le Gentil needs love, he was not able to know just how much he needs it until it was too late as he was blinded by the frenzy of mapping Venus’ journey across the sun, an obsession quite common among astronomers during the 18th century.It is also evident that Celeste desires Le Gentil and was even willing to wait for him for long periods of time. In the end, Celeste learned to let go of her feelings for Le Gentil as she found the love which she seeks on Le Gentil’s assistant, Demarais.While the transit of Venus is often associated with science, the play itself focused more on how Venus was used to symbolize love. The use of the planet Venus to symbolize love is not surprising as Venus is also the Roman counterpart of the Greek’s goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. T hroughout the play, we could see how love (Venus) made its way (transit) across the characters of the story.The opera also showed us different faces of love. For instance, while we know that Le Gentil’s love for his fiancà ©e is real we could also see that it was outweighed by his devotion to serve God.The story revealed that Le Gentil’s obsession was driven by his need to serve God. It was not uncommon during Le Gentil’s time for scientists to correlate science with religion and there are many people who believed that by mapping the transit of Venus across the sun they would be able to prove that science could coexist with religion.Le Gentil was greatly driven by the need to map the transit of Venus to the point that he was not able to see what is really important, his love for his fiancà ©e, Celeste.As I have already mentioned earlier, Le Gentil failed to map the transit of Venus and at the same time he also failed to pursue his love for Celeste. We could se e that this was symbolized by the fact that his attempt to map the transit of Venus failed as clouds blurred his vision and disabled him from witnessing Venus’ transit.The opera also made use of expressionism. Expressionism gives emphasis on the characters’ divine awakening, pain, and suffering. In watching the play, the audience would be drawn to the sufferings of the characters.Expressionism is evident on Le Gentil’s desire to fulfill his spiritual hunger which he believed could only be done by serving God. His journey to serve God, to unite science with religion, led him to a path filled with pain and suffering as he did not succeed in his journey and at the same time lost the love of his fiancà ©e.Expressionism is also present on Le Gentil’s relationship with Celeste in that at first, Celeste was willing to sacrifice for Le Gentil. For love, Celeste was willing to wait until Le Gentil was done with his journey. While it pained her that Le Gentil†™s work is more important than her, she endured the pain and silently waited for her fiancà ©e’s return.Women, during Celeste’s time, were not exactly on the same footing with men. This is evident on how Celeste’s character showed how she allowed her fiancà ©e to subjugate her own desire. However, at the end of the play we saw how their positions were reversed as Celeste rejected Le Gentil’s love.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary

Addressing International Legal and honorable Issues Simulation Summary What argon the issues baffling in resolving legal disputes in unlike trans put to deaths? When the United States (U. S. ) go into into an agreement with a nonher solid ground it is all important(p) that the U. S. Comp whatever confirms that the distill is legally enforceable. With multinational pedigree transactions distributively res publica needs to be aware of each multinational laws and legislations. Both parties should also be aware of changes that are made to international laws and regulations.What are some practical considerations of pickings legal action against a foreign avocation partner based in another countrified? The consideration a personal credit line organisation needs to know are the laws of the democracy they are doing caper in and the country could deny further line of reasoning transactions if possible legal action is taken. A United States (U. S. ) employment has to remem ber, a law in the U. S. is not the homogeneous law in another country. If a law is broken, it may not be implemented in another country as it is in the U. S. A contract is a binding agreement, but it is alone binding if the law agrees with it. If there is a good relationship with the country, then the line of merchandise should be able to trust that the country will pull ahead good on it. What factors could work against CadMexs decision to grant sublicensing agreements? A business runs into difficulties with sublicensing agreement when they choose to make several of them, growing a business chance of having lawsuits created against them.Presume a business unnoticed including the sub-paragraphs within the contract which would preserve them of any legal issue because of the agreement, the participation could be completely responsible for any financial damages. When the local tradition and laws battle with the customs and laws of an organization operating abroad, which should scarper? Explain why There is no clarification is required when local laws and custom, conflict with laws of companies operating aboard. When a United tell (U. S. ) business had decided to do business those laws and customs would win out.In virtually situations, the U. S. based business would necessitate to mutual opposition a contract stating they would conduct business in accordance to the law and customs of that country (Melvin, 2011). How would you compare the issues in this pretence to the domestic legal issues discussed in your hebdomad One readings? How should companies resolve domestic and international issues differently? Every time devil businesses decide to enter into a contract, each wants their own country law to apply, so their law would treasure them.When a business does business with in their own country they know the laws that apply and protect them. The gelid happens when a business decides to do business outside of their own country. They are not as accus tomed with the laws of other countries. For companies to protect themselves, they should hire a lawyer who is familiar with the country they are going to do business in. The lawyer of that country ordure read the contracts and ensure both parties have proper protection (Melvin, 2011).